Institut für Physik - NMR
phone: +49 (0) 345 55 28551
Betty-Heimann-Str. 7
06120 Halle (Saale)
Polymer Physics & Polymer Spectroscopy Webinar
To address the cancellations and shifts of personal meetings and seminars, and to keep up scientific exchange and discussion in times of the pandemic, we had organized a regular online webinar on “Polymer Physics & Polymer Spectroscopy”. We hoped to foster discussions among different branches of the polymer and soft matter communities, specifically the wider fields of polymer physics and spectroscopy (with some bias towards applications of NMR). We always had two talks, one from the wider field and one with spectroscopy focus, always with a strong topical connection.
- The talks covered latest research results or summaries of current challenges in the field.
- Each talk typically lasted 20-25 min plus 5-10 min of discussion time.
- Most talks were recorded and posted in our archive upon consent of the speaker.
With a bit of a heavy heart, but looking forward to in-person meetings and conferences again, the P3S Webinar has been suspended for the time being.
Rongchun Zhang (South China Univ. of Tech.)
Toshikazu Miyoshi (U Akron, USA)
Kay Saalwächter
Upcoming Webinars
[Click here] for details, and [click here] to join each meeting at Zoom (meeting ID: 932 2177 9598, password: 547489).
Future date? (topic)
N.N. (affiliation):