- Diffusion and correlation in a coherent representation
H. Partzlaff, S. Sandow, S. Trimper
Zeit. f. Physik 95, 357 (1994)
- Dynamic spin and charge susceptibilities in the t- J model
M. Deeg, H. Fehske, S. Körner, S. Trimper, D. Ihle
Zeit. f. Physik 95, 87 (1994)
- Perturbative approach to an A+B -> C reaction- diffusion system
D. Conrad, S. Trimper
Zeit. f. Physik 98, 137 (1994)
- Analytical approach to the forest- fire model
H. Patzlaff, S. Trimper
Phys. Lett. A 189, 187 (1994)
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