- Delayed- controlled reactions
Steffen Trimper, Knud Zabrocki
Phys. Lett. A 321, 205-215 (2004). (cond-mat/ 0303067)
- Central peak in the excitation spectra of thin ferroelectric films
J. M. Wesselinowa, S. Trimper
Phys. Rev. B 69, 024105 (2004)
- Thickness dependence of the dielectric function of ferroelectric thin films
J. M. Wesselinowa, S. Trimper
Phys. Stat. Sol. 241 (5), 1141 (2004)
- Spin facilitated model with long range interaction
Beatrix M. Schulz, Steffen Trimper and Michael Schulz
Phys. Lett. A 325, 87-98 (2004)
- Memory in diffusive systems
Steffen Trimper, Knud Zabrocki
In: Proceedings of Spie 5467, 302 (2004) Fluctuation and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems
- Social networks and spreading of epidemics
Steffen Trimper, Dafang Zheng, and Marian Brandau
In: Proceedings of Spie 5471, 289 (2004): Fluctuation and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems
- Friction and phase transition
M. Einax, S. Trimper, M. Schulz
Phys. Rev. E 70, 046113 (2004)
- Memory- controlled diffusion
Steffen Trimper, Knud Zabrocki, Michael Schulz
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- Verachtet die Defekte nicht, SFB 418 untersucht nanoskopischer Inhomogenitäten
Horst Schneider, Steffen Trimper
Scientia halensis 2/04, p. 15
- Memory driven pattern formation
Steffen Trimper, Knud Zabrocki
Phys. Lett. A 431 (6), 423- 431 (2004)
- Elephant can always remember: Exact long-range memory effects in a non- Markovian random walk
G. M. Schütz, S.Trimper
Phys. Rev. E 70, 045101 R (2004); cond-mat /0406593 and Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, October 15, (2004)
- A generalized dynamic herding model with feedback interactions
B. Zheng, F. Ren, S. Trimper and D. F. Zheng
Physica A 343, 653-661, (2004)
- Critical behavior of the 2D random-bond Potts model: Short time- dynamic approach
J. Q. Yin, B. Zheng and S. Trimper
Phys. Rev. E 70, 056134, (2004)
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