Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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  • Retardation effects in a finite reaction-diffusion model (article   )
    K. Zabrocki, S. Trimper and M. Schulz
    Int. J. of Mod.  Phys. B 22, (12), 1947 (2008)
  • Impact of defects on the properties of ferroelectric nanoparticles (article   )
    Th. Michael, S. Trimper and J. M. Wesselinowa
    Ferroelectrica 363, 110 (2008)
  • Exact one-dimensional Drude conductivity in a potential (article   )
    M. Schulz, S. Trimper
    physica status solid (b) 1-5, (2008) cond- mat. stat- mech 0803.1105v1
  • Thermally Assisted Spin Hall Effect (article   )
    M. Schulz, S. Trimper
    Phys. Lett. A 372, 5905 (2008); cond- mat: 0806. 0948 (05.06.08)
  • Exact solution of a stochastic SIR model (article   )
    Gunter M. Schütz, Marian Brandau and Steffen Trimper
    Phys. Rev. E 78 (6), 061132
  • Modified Jarzynski relation for non-Markovian noise (article   )
    Michael Schulz, Steffen Trimper
    Phys. Rev. E submitted, cond- mat: 0807.3681 (23.07.08)
  • Wie die Quantenmechanik in der klassischen Nichtgleichgewichts­statistik behilflich sein kann
    Steffen Trimper
    Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Vojta
    Synergie- Syntropie- Nichtlineare Systeme (Physik-Statistik-Information), Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH, p. 85- 92
