- The excitation spectrum of multiferroics at finite temperatures
Thomas Michael and Steffen Trimper
Phys. Rev. B 83, 134409 (2011)
- Theoretical study of ion doping and substrate effects in antiferroelelctric thin films
Julia M. Wesselinowa, A.T.Apostolov and Steffen Trimper
physica status solidi (b) 248 (7), 1658 (2011)
- Retardation effects in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper
Phys. Rev. B 83, 134434 (2011)
- Analytical solution of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equation in the linear regime at an applied dc-voltage
Anatoly Golovnev and Steffen Trimper
J. of Chemical Physics 134, 154902 (2011)
- Performance optimization of a thermoelectric generator element with linear spatial profiles in a 1D setup
Knud Zabrocki, Eckhardt Müller, Wolfgang Seifert and SteffenTrimper
Journal of Material Research (JMR) 26(15) (2011)
- Mesoscopic modeling of ferroelectric and multiferroic systems
Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper
Ferroelectrics (Book 3), ISBN 978-953-307-455-9
- Influence of randomness and retardation on the FMR-linewidth
Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper
physica status solidi (b) 8, 1-9 (2011)
- Lagrangian formalism and dissipative magnetic systems
Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper
Phys. Lett. A 375, 2452-2455 (2011)
arXiv: 1104.3002v1 [cond-mat, stat-mech] (2011)
- Noise assisted tumor immune cells interaction
Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper
Phys. Rev. E 84, 021927 (2011)
- Green's function approach in the classical theory of thermoelectricity
Steven Achilles, Wolfgang Seifert and Steffen Trimper
physica status solidi (b) online DOI10.1002/pssb.201147314 (03.10.2011)
- Origin of ferromagnetism in BaTio3 nanoparticles
Safa G. Bahoosh, Steffen Trimper, and Julia M. Wesselinowa
physica status solidi (r) RRL 5 (10-11), 382 (2011)
- Analytical solution of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations in linear regime at ac applied voltage
Anatoly Golovnev, Steffen Trimper
subm. J. of Aplied Mathematics 10/2011
- Theoretical study of magnetoelectric effects in multiferroic RMn2O
Safa G. Bahoosh, Julia M Wesselinowa, and Steffen Trimper
subm.: J. Phys.: Cond.Mat. 10/2011
- Temperature gradient assisted magnetodynamics in a ferromagnetic nanowire,
Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper,
subm. Phys. Rev. B 12/2011
- Multiferroic behavior of BTO nanoparticles,
Steffen Trimper, Safa G. Bahoosh, and Julia M. Wesselinowa,
International workshop on Magnetic particle imaging IWMPI,
Lübeck 03/2012, accepted contribution
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