Publikationen 2013
- Phonon excitations and magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic RMn2O5
Safa Golrokh Bahoosh, Julia M Wesselinowa, and Steffen Trimper
Eur.Phys.J. B (2013) 86, Issue 5, 201
- Non-Gaussian propagator for elephant random walks
A.A. de Silva, J.C. Cresoni, G. Schuetz, S. Trimper
Phys. Rev. E 88, 022115 (2013)
- Microscopic approach to the magnetoelectric effect in RMn2O5
Safa Golrokh Bahoosh, Julia M Wesselinowa, and Steffen Trimper
Physica Status Solidi B, 250 (No.6) 1816 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/pss.201248378 (2013)
- Multiferroism in the dielectric function of CuO
I.N. Apostolova, A.T.Apostolov,S.G.Bahoosh, J.M.Wesselinowa, S.Trimper
Phys. Status Solidi RRL 7, 1001 (2013); DOI 10.1002/pssr.201308093
- Thermally activated in-plane magnetization rotation induced by spin torque
L. Chotorlishvili, Z.Toklikkishloili,V.K.Dugaev, S.Trimper, J.Berakdar
J. of Applied Physics 114, 123906 (2013)
- Fokker-Planck approach for the theory of magnon-driven Seebeck effect
L. Chotorlishvili, Z.Toklikkishloili, V.K.Dugaev, S.Trimper, J.Berakdar
Phys. Rev. B accepted 10/2013
- Enhancement of the magnetoelectric effect in transition metal doped BaTiO3 nanoparticles
Angel T Apostolov, Iliana N Apostolova, Safa Golrokh Bahoosh, Steffen Trimper, Julia M Wesselinowa
Subm. EPJ Web of Conference 09/2013
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