Registration Instructions
Registration is open January 15th to Februrary 15th. Attendance will be free-of-charge and registration is open to all national and international Master- and PhD-students as well as Postdocs in the field of NMR.
To apply to attend the NMR school, please send an email to
with the following content:
- Subject: "G-NMR 2025 registration".
- Include your supervisor in cc.
- In the email body, please include only your (1) last name, (2) first name, and the (3) name and postal address of your home institution and (4) head of laboratory (as included in cc). (5) Your first and second preference for the workshops/lectures in the afternoon. The last line should contain your timely experience in NMR spectroscopy. For example:
Mustermann, Max
Institut für Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Betty-Heimann-Str. 7
06120 Halle(Saale)
Prof. Jochen Balbach
Mo: A1,A3; B1,B2
Tu: C3,C2; D4,D1
We: E2,E3; F2,F3
Th: G3,G1; H1,H2
Fr: I3,I2
Second year PhD student
After we have processed your registration, we will send you and your supervisor a confirmation email. If you are not affiliated with an academic NMR institution, please also provide a brief motivation for your application.