
- Transport and electronic properties of metallic nanoparticles in terahertz laser fields
- Entangled electron pair generation

- Matter in strong laser fields (Prof. Shu-Min Li, China)
- Classical dynamics of nonholonomic systems (Prof. Shu-Min Li, China)
- Non-linear classical and quantum dynamics of molecular chains (Prof. Levan Chotorlishvili, Georgia)
- Relativistic many-particle scattering (Prof. Sunil Dhar, India)
Cluster of Excellence Nanostrukturierte Materialien
- Nonequilibrium magnetotransport in nanostructures

Spin-polarized correlation spectroscopy (Prof. J.F. Williams and Dr. S. Samarin, The University of Western Australia)

- Correlation and entanglement investigated via pair-correlation spectroscopy (Prof. J. Kirschner, Dr. F. Schumann et al.)
- Electronic and magnetic properties of surfaces and interfaces (Prof. P. Bruno, Dr. J. Henk, Dr. A. Ernst, Dr. V. Stepanuyk)

Center for Physics of Fundamental Interactions Lisboa, Portugal
Spin dynamics and magnetotransport properties of nanowires (Prof. Vítor J. Rocha Vieira, Prof. Pedro, D. Sacrament, Prof. Miguel Araújo, Dr. Paul Horley)

Department of Mathematics and Applied Physics
Rzeszów University of Technology
Spin-dependent scattering and transport theory of magnetic nanostructures (Prof. Vitalii Dugaev)