Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Logo Polymerphysik


Institut für Physik
FG Experimentelle Polymerphysik
Prof. Thomas Thurn-Albrecht

phone: 0345 5525341
fax: 0345 5527160

Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle/Saale

Chanel Krebs

phone: 0345 55-25361
fax: 0345 55-25360

room 2.25
Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle

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Thesis Projects (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral)

Bachelor and Master students perform research with support and guidance of doctoral students and postdocs under the supervision at Prof. Th. Thurn-Albrecht.

Thesis projects in our group typically contribute to our current research projects.

Please contact Prof. Thurn-Albrecht for further information:

Current topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses can be found in StudIp in the corresponding courses.
