Börge Göbel
room 1.18b
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
06120 Halle (Saale)
Group Seminar
Wednesday, 12:30 pm, Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, room 1.02
Winter semester 2024/25 | |
05.03.2025 | DPG Rehearsals |
15.01.2025 | Börge Göbel, Orbital Hall effect accompanying quantum Hall effect and topological Hall effect |
27.11.2024 | Dongwook Go, Orbitronics: A New Frontier in Condensed Matter Physics |
06.11.2024 | Hannah Bendin, Chiral Phonons |
30.10.2024 | Salomo Cedric Karst & Jürgen Henk, Exploring Quantum Entanglement: A Tutorial on Spin Dynamics and Entanglement Transfer |
23.10.2024 [3:00 pm, room 1.04] | Robin Neumann, PhD defense |
23.10.2024 [12:00 pm] | Duc Pham, Master presentation |
16.10.2024 | Jimmy Lukas Frank Döring, DFT Study of Janus Material Nanotubes: From Cold Metals to Spin Gapless Semiconductors |
09.10.2024 | Robin Neumann, Theoretical Prediction for Probing Magnon Topology |
Summer semester 2024 | |
10.07.2024 | Paul Bodewei, Master presentation & Pascal Sattler, Master presentation |
03.07.2024 | Yannick Höpfner, Master presentation & Marten Gottschling, Bachelor presentation |
26.06.2024 | Theresa Albrecht, Bachelor presentation & Lennart Schimpf, Bachelor presentation |
19.06.2024 | Alexandra Schrader, Effects of Spin Orbit Coupling on the Band Structure of the Kagome Lattice |
12.06.2024 [12:00 pm, room 3.31] | Franziska Ziolkowski, PhD defense |
29.05.2024 | Duc Pham, Electronic Properties Of Archimedean Lattices |
16.05.2024 [4:00 pm, room 1.23] | Oliver Busch, PhD defense |
15.05.2024 | Franziska Ziolkowski, Modelling ultrafast demagnetization: A real-space tight-binding approach |
03.04.2024 | Oliver Busch, Simulation of steady-state and ultrafast transport of charge, spin, and orbital angular momenta |
Wintersemester 2023/24 | |
12.03.2024 | DPG Rehearsals |
24.01.2024 | Sergio Leiva, Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in SrTiO3 |
20.12.2023 | Oliver Busch, Steady-state and ultrafast transport of orbital angular momentum |
13.12.2023 | Paul Bodewei, Computational Design of a 2D NDR Diode with High Peak-to-Valley-Current-Ratio |
06.12.2023 | Ismael Ribeiro de Assis, Skyrmion motion in magnetic anisotropy gradients: Acceleration caused by deformation |
29.11.2023 [special theory colloquium] | Mathias Kläui, From spin-orbitronics to orbitronics: efficient manipulation of topological spin structures for memory and unconventional computing |
15.11.2023 | Duc Pham, The STLS Theory for the D-dimensional Homogeneous Electron Gas |
08.11.2023 | Franziska Ziolkowski, Exploring Pathways to Ultrafast Demagnetization: Simulations with evolve |
01.11.2023 | Jürgen Henk, Ultrafast electron dynamics with evolve |
18.10.2023 | Paul Bodewei, Device calculations based on DFT and TB electronic structures & Hannah Bendin, Anyons |
11.10.2023 | Yannick Höpfner, Influence of Kitaev and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on magnonic thermal transport in Chromium(III)iodide-like system & Le Viet Duc Pham, Ising Model On Square And Triangular Lattice |
Summer semester 2023 | |
26.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 | Please attend "Spin-orbit materials, emergent phenomena and related technologies training" |
19.07.2023 | Patrick Malzahn, Phononenberechnung mit neuronalen Netzen (Bachelor presentation) |
13.06.2023 - 21.06.2023 | 12 talks "Quantum Theory of the Solid State" |
19.04.2023 | Yannick Höpfner, Signatures of Kitaev versus Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in magnon transport properties |
Winter semester 2022/23 | |
15.03.2023 | DPG Rehearsals |
01.02.2023 | Olena Gomonay, Magnon-mediated spin transport and magnetic dynamics of antiferromagnets (online) |
18.01.2023 | Felix Casanova, Spin-orbit proximity in van der Waals heterostructures (online) |
14.12.2022 | Robin Neumann, Thermal Hall Effect of Magnons in Collinear Antiferromagnetic Insulators: Signatures of Magnetic and Topological Phase Transitions |
30.11.2022 | Oliver Busch, Ultrafast spin dynamics: Complementing theoretical analyses by quantum-state measures |
23.11.2022 | Laurent Vila, Ferroelectric control of the conversion between spin and charge currents (online) |
16.11.2022 | Börge Göbel, Spin-orbitronics in two dimensional systems |
02.11.2022 | Ismael Ribeiro de Assis, Biskyrmion-based artificial neuron & Sergio Leiva, Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in a bilayer system with Rashba interaction |
26.10.2022 | Arturo Rodríguez, The smallest hearts in the world - The surprising growth of Mn/Ir (111) |
19.10.2022 | Vishesh Saxena, Exploring the antiferromagnetic ground states and domain walls of Mn on Ir(111) by SP-STM |
Summer semester 2022 | |
20.07.2022 | Paul von Nessen & Marc Eger, Bachelor presentation |
13.07.2022 | Martin Gradhand, Magnetism vs. Superconductivity (or searching for Majorana Fermions in real materials) |
08.06.2022 | Robin Neumann, “Magnetic” Spin Caloritronics and Topological Magnonics |
25.05.2022 | Thorsten Aull, Novel spintronic device concepts based on spin-gapless semiconductors and half-metallic magnets |
18.05.2022 | Libor Šmejkal, Altermagnetism: unconventional magnetic phase with d/g/i-wave spin-momentum interaction |
11.05.2022 | Kirsten von Bergmann, Skyrmions and Antiferromagnets investigated with spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (online) |
20.04.2022 | Tomáš Rauch, Nonlinear thermoelectric anomalous transport in magnetoelectric materials |
Winter semester 2021/22 | |
15.02.2022 [Tuesday] | Albert Hönemann, Ab-initio Beschreibung von Transportkoeffizienten in Co/Cu-Vielfachschichten |
09.02.2022 | Robin Neumann, Thermal Hall effect of magnons in collinear antiferromagnets: Signatures of magnetic and topological phase transitions (online) |
02.02.2022 | Frank Freimuth, Spin-orbit torques from first principles: Collinear magnets, noncollinear magnets, temperature dependence (online) |
26.01.2022 | Fred Krannich, Anwendung der Gruppentheorie zur Untersuchung der Phononenspektren komplexer Strukturen (Bachelor presentation online) |
19.01.2022 | Oliver Busch, Ultrafast spin dynamics: complementing theoretical analyses by quantum-information measures (online) |
12.01.2022 | Oliver Busch, Orbital Hall effect and orbital torque (online) |
08.12.2021 | Annika Johansson, Orbital Edelstein effect (online) |
01.12.2021 | Börge Göbel, Introduction to Orbitronics (online) |
17.11.2021 | Ismael Ribeiro de Assis, Spin drift-diffusion for two-subband quantum wells |
10.11.2021 | Albert Hönemann, Spin-orbit driven transport phenomena in Co/Cu multilayers |
03.11.2021 | Sergio Leiva, Spin dynamics mediated by non-equilibrium electrons |
Summer semester 2021 | |
15.09.2021 | Philipp Wendschuch, Topoelektrische Schaltkreise, Bachelor presentation |
15.09.2021 [10:00am] | DPG rehearsals |
21.04.2021 | Noah Hoffman, Anyons (online) |
14.04.2021 | Franz Fischer, Phonon-mediated carrier relaxation in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (Master presentation online) |
Winter semester 2020/21 | |
17.02.2021 | Till Hanke, Entwicklung von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen zur Ermittlung von Tight-Binding Parametern (Master presentation online) |
27.01.2021 | Yannick Höpfner, Bachelor presentation (online) |
20.01.2021 | Dongwook Go, Orbital Transport in Spintronics (online) |
16.12.2020 | Igor Maznichenko, Magnetism at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface tuned by defects (online) |
09.12.2020 [Theorie-Kolloquium] | Arne Brataas, Current fluctuations driven by ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonance (online) |
25.11.2020 | Thorsten Aull, Novel spintronic device concepts based on spin-gapless semiconductors and half-metallic magnets (online) |
11.11.2020 | Franziska Töpler, A real-space tight-binding approach to model ultrafast spin dynamics in heterostructures |
Summer semester 2020 | |
01.09.2020 | Oliver Busch, Transversal transport coefficients in non-collinear magnetic systems (Master presentation) |
19.08.2020 | Robin Neumann, Orbital Magnetic Moment of Magnons (Master presentation) |
15.07.2020 | Franz Fischer, Zwischenvortrag zur Masterarbeit (online) |
24.06.2020 [9:00am] | Kathrin Plass, Bachelor presentation (online) |
17.06.2020 | Alina Wenzel, Bachelor presentation (online) |
10.06.2020 [4:00pm] | Mark Stiles, Spintronics-based neuromorphic computing (online) |
27.05.2020 [4:00pm] | Giovanni Vignale, Nonlinear magnetoresistance from spin-momentum locking (online) |
20.05.2020 | Yuriy Mokrousov (online) |
13.05.2020 | Till Hanke, Presentation of the "Orientierungspraktikum" (online) |
06.05.2020 | Alexander Mook, Quantum Damping of Skyrmion Crystal Eigenmodes due to Spontaneous Quasiparticle Decay (online) |
29.04.2020 | Börge Göbel, Antiskyrmions and elliptical skyrmions in D2d Heusler materials (online) |
15.04.2020 | Ersoy Şaşıoğlu, Spin excitations in solids from ab-initio many-body perturbation theory (online) |
08.04.2020 | Oliver Busch, Zwischenvortrag zur Masterarbeit (online) |
Winter semester 2019/20 | |
04. 03. 2020 | DPG rehearsals |
26. 02. 2020 | DPG rehearsals |
12. 02. 2020 | Robin Neumann, Zwischenvortrag zur Masterarbeit |
05. 02. 2020 | James Taylor, Noncollinear antiferromagnets for topological spintronics |
29. 01. 2020 | Franziska Töpler, Modelling ultrafast spin dynamics |
22. 01. 2020 | Paolo Sessi, Visualizing topological states of matter at the atomic scale |
16. 01. 2020 (special date) | Francisco Muñoz, Topological insulator superlattices |
08. 01. 2020 | Jürgen Henk, Plain-text productivity |
18. 12. 2019 | Annika Johansson, Higher-order topological insulators |
11. 12. 2019 | Till Hanke, Introduction to Git |
05. 12. 2019 (special date) | Franz Fischer and Oliver Busch, Presentation of the "Orientierungspraktikum" |
28. 11. 2019 (special date) | Börge Göbel, Emergent electrodynamics in non-collinear spin textures |
20. 11. 2019 | Till Hanke and Jürgen Henk, IT & Tools |
13. 11. 2019 | Thorsten Aull, Ab-initio design of quaternary Heusler compounds for reconfigurable magnetic tunnel diodes and transistors |
06. 11. 2019 | Georg Woltersdorf |
30. 10. 2019 (16:00 at MPI) | Manuel Bibes, Perovskite oxide materials for electronics and spintronics |
23. 10. 2019 | Alexey Melnikov, Optical generation of femtosecond spin-current pulses and terahertz standing spin waves in metallic multilayers |
Summer Semester 2019 & Winter Semester 2018/19 | |
10. 7. 2019 | Robin Neumann, Spin current vorticities and magnetic spin Hall effect |
3. 7. 2019 | Jorge Facio, Insights from Hall physics in topological materials |
19. 6. 2019 | BA-Vorträge (Dorothea Kutschabsky, Lukas Volkmer) |
22. 5. 2019 | DPG-Nachbesprechung - Teil 2 |
15. 5. 2019 | DPG-Nachbesprechung |
8. 5. 2019 | Börge Göbel, Going beyond skyrmions |
30. 1. 2019 | Somit Gosh, Non-equilibrium transport in topologically non-trivial systems: Application to spin-orbit torque |
23. 1. 2019 | Tomáš Rauch, Geometric and nongeometric contributions to the surface anomalous Hall conductivity |
9. 1. 2019 | Jakub Železný, Spin currents in antiferromagnets (joint group seminar and IMPRS tutorial) |
5. 12. 2018 | Anna Dyrdal, Current-induced spin polarization and Hall effects in 2D systems with spin-orbit interaction |
28. 11. 2018 | Jürgen Henk, Perceptrons & neural networks. A very few basics |