Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Börge Göbel

room 1.18b
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
06120 Halle (Saale)

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Group Seminar

Wednesday, 12:30 pm, Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, room 1.02

Winter semester 2024/25
05.03.2025DPG Rehearsals
15.01.2025Börge Göbel, Orbital Hall effect accompanying quantum Hall effect and topological Hall effect
27.11.2024Dongwook Go, Orbitronics: A New Frontier in Condensed Matter Physics
06.11.2024Hannah Bendin, Chiral Phonons
30.10.2024Salomo Cedric Karst & Jürgen Henk, Exploring Quantum Entanglement: A Tutorial on Spin Dynamics and Entanglement Transfer
[3:00 pm, room 1.04]
Robin Neumann, PhD defense
[12:00 pm]
Duc Pham, Master presentation
16.10.2024Jimmy Lukas Frank Döring, DFT Study of Janus Material Nanotubes: From Cold Metals to Spin Gapless Semiconductors
09.10.2024Robin Neumann, Theoretical Prediction for Probing Magnon Topology
Summer semester 2024
10.07.2024Paul Bodewei, Master presentation & Pascal Sattler, Master presentation
03.07.2024Yannick Höpfner, Master presentation & Marten Gottschling, Bachelor presentation
26.06.2024Theresa Albrecht, Bachelor presentation & Lennart Schimpf, Bachelor presentation
19.06.2024Alexandra Schrader, Effects of Spin Orbit Coupling on the Band Structure of the Kagome Lattice
[12:00 pm, room 3.31]
Franziska Ziolkowski, PhD defense
29.05.2024Duc Pham, Electronic Properties Of Archimedean Lattices
[4:00 pm, room 1.23]
Oliver Busch, PhD defense
15.05.2024Franziska Ziolkowski, Modelling ultrafast demagnetization: A real-space tight-binding approach
03.04.2024Oliver Busch, Simulation of steady-state and ultrafast transport of charge, spin, and orbital angular momenta
Wintersemester 2023/24
12.03.2024DPG Rehearsals
24.01.2024Sergio Leiva, Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in SrTiO3
20.12.2023Oliver Busch, Steady-state and ultrafast transport of orbital angular momentum
13.12.2023Paul Bodewei, Computational Design of a 2D NDR Diode with High Peak-to-Valley-Current-Ratio
06.12.2023Ismael Ribeiro de Assis, Skyrmion motion in magnetic anisotropy gradients: Acceleration caused by deformation
[special theory colloquium]
Mathias Kläui, From spin-orbitronics to orbitronics: efficient manipulation of topological spin structures for memory and unconventional computing
15.11.2023Duc Pham, The STLS Theory for the D-dimensional Homogeneous Electron Gas
08.11.2023Franziska Ziolkowski, Exploring Pathways to Ultrafast Demagnetization: Simulations with evolve
01.11.2023Jürgen Henk, Ultrafast electron dynamics with evolve
18.10.2023Paul Bodewei, Device calculations based on DFT and TB electronic structures & Hannah Bendin, Anyons
11.10.2023Yannick Höpfner, Influence of Kitaev and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on magnonic thermal transport in Chromium(III)iodide-like system & Le Viet Duc Pham, Ising Model On Square And Triangular Lattice
Summer semester 2023
26.09.2023 - 29.09.2023Please attend "Spin-orbit materials, emergent phenomena and related technologies training"
19.07.2023Patrick Malzahn, Phononenberechnung mit neuronalen Netzen (Bachelor presentation)
13.06.2023 - 21.06.202312 talks "Quantum Theory of the Solid State"
19.04.2023Yannick Höpfner, Signatures of Kitaev versus
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in magnon transport
Winter semester 2022/23
15.03.2023DPG Rehearsals
01.02.2023Olena Gomonay, Magnon-mediated spin transport and magnetic dynamics of antiferromagnets (online)
18.01.2023Felix Casanova, Spin-orbit proximity in van der Waals heterostructures (online)
14.12.2022Robin Neumann, Thermal Hall Effect of Magnons in Collinear Antiferromagnetic Insulators: Signatures of Magnetic and Topological Phase Transitions
30.11.2022Oliver Busch, Ultrafast spin dynamics: Complementing theoretical analyses by quantum-state measures
23.11.2022Laurent Vila, Ferroelectric control of the conversion between spin and charge currents (online)
16.11.2022Börge Göbel, Spin-orbitronics in two dimensional systems
02.11.2022Ismael Ribeiro de Assis, Biskyrmion-based artificial neuron & Sergio Leiva, Spin and orbital Edelstein effect in a bilayer system with Rashba interaction
26.10.2022Arturo Rodríguez, The smallest hearts in the world - The surprising growth of Mn/Ir (111)
19.10.2022Vishesh Saxena, Exploring the antiferromagnetic ground states and domain walls of Mn on Ir(111) by SP-STM
Summer semester 2022
20.07.2022Paul von Nessen & Marc Eger, Bachelor presentation
13.07.2022Martin Gradhand, Magnetism vs. Superconductivity (or searching for Majorana Fermions in real materials)
08.06.2022Robin Neumann, “Magnetic” Spin Caloritronics and Topological Magnonics
25.05.2022Thorsten Aull, Novel spintronic device concepts based on spin-gapless semiconductors and half-metallic magnets
18.05.2022Libor Šmejkal, Altermagnetism: unconventional magnetic phase with d/g/i-wave spin-momentum interaction
11.05.2022Kirsten von Bergmann, Skyrmions and Antiferromagnets investigated with spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (online)
20.04.2022Tomáš Rauch, Nonlinear thermoelectric anomalous transport in magnetoelectric materials
Winter semester 2021/22
Albert Hönemann, Ab-initio Beschreibung von Transportkoeffizienten in Co/Cu-Vielfachschichten
09.02.2022Robin Neumann, Thermal Hall effect of magnons in collinear antiferromagnets: Signatures of magnetic and topological phase transitions (online)
02.02.2022Frank Freimuth, Spin-orbit torques from first principles: Collinear magnets, noncollinear magnets, temperature dependence (online)
26.01.2022Fred Krannich, Anwendung der Gruppentheorie zur Untersuchung der Phononenspektren komplexer Strukturen (Bachelor presentation online)
19.01.2022Oliver Busch, Ultrafast spin dynamics: complementing theoretical analyses by quantum-information measures (online)
12.01.2022Oliver Busch, Orbital Hall effect and orbital torque (online)
08.12.2021Annika Johansson, Orbital Edelstein effect (online)
01.12.2021Börge Göbel, Introduction to Orbitronics (online)
17.11.2021Ismael Ribeiro de Assis, Spin drift-diffusion for two-subband quantum wells
10.11.2021Albert Hönemann, Spin-orbit driven transport phenomena in Co/Cu multilayers
03.11.2021Sergio Leiva, Spin dynamics mediated by non-equilibrium electrons
Summer semester 2021
15.09.2021Philipp Wendschuch, Topoelektrische Schaltkreise, Bachelor presentation
DPG rehearsals
21.04.2021Noah Hoffman, Anyons (online)
14.04.2021Franz Fischer, Phonon-mediated carrier relaxation in
two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides
(Master presentation online)
Winter semester 2020/21
17.02.2021Till Hanke, Entwicklung von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen zur Ermittlung von Tight-Binding Parametern (Master presentation online)
27.01.2021Yannick Höpfner, Bachelor presentation (online)
20.01.2021Dongwook Go, Orbital Transport in Spintronics (online)
16.12.2020Igor Maznichenko, Magnetism at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface tuned by defects (online)
Arne Brataas, Current fluctuations driven by ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonance (online)
25.11.2020Thorsten Aull, Novel spintronic device concepts based on spin-gapless semiconductors and half-metallic magnets (online)
11.11.2020Franziska Töpler, A real-space tight-binding approach to model ultrafast spin dynamics in heterostructures
Summer semester 2020
01.09.2020Oliver Busch, Transversal transport coefficients in non-collinear magnetic systems (Master presentation)
19.08.2020Robin Neumann, Orbital Magnetic Moment of Magnons (Master presentation)
15.07.2020Franz Fischer, Zwischenvortrag zur Masterarbeit (online)
Kathrin Plass, Bachelor presentation (online)
17.06.2020Alina Wenzel, Bachelor presentation (online)
Mark Stiles, Spintronics-based neuromorphic computing (online)
Giovanni Vignale, Nonlinear magnetoresistance from spin-momentum locking (online)
20.05.2020Yuriy Mokrousov (online)
13.05.2020Till Hanke, Presentation of the "Orientierungspraktikum" (online)
06.05.2020Alexander Mook, Quantum Damping of Skyrmion Crystal Eigenmodes due to Spontaneous Quasiparticle Decay (online)
29.04.2020Börge Göbel, Antiskyrmions and elliptical skyrmions in D2d Heusler materials (online)
15.04.2020Ersoy Şaşıoğlu, Spin excitations in solids from ab-initio many-body perturbation theory (online)
08.04.2020Oliver Busch, Zwischenvortrag zur Masterarbeit (online)
Winter semester 2019/20
04. 03. 2020DPG rehearsals
26. 02. 2020DPG rehearsals
12. 02. 2020Robin Neumann, Zwischenvortrag zur Masterarbeit
05. 02. 2020James Taylor, Noncollinear antiferromagnets for topological spintronics
29. 01. 2020Franziska Töpler, Modelling ultrafast spin dynamics
22. 01. 2020Paolo Sessi, Visualizing topological states of matter at the atomic scale
16. 01. 2020
(special date)
Francisco Muñoz, Topological insulator superlattices
08. 01. 2020Jürgen Henk, Plain-text productivity
18. 12. 2019Annika Johansson, Higher-order topological insulators
11. 12. 2019Till Hanke, Introduction to Git
05. 12. 2019
(special date)
Franz Fischer and Oliver Busch, Presentation of the "Orientierungspraktikum"
28. 11. 2019
(special date)
Börge Göbel, Emergent electrodynamics in non-collinear spin textures
20. 11. 2019Till Hanke and Jürgen Henk, IT & Tools
13. 11. 2019Thorsten Aull, Ab-initio design of quaternary Heusler compounds for reconfigurable magnetic tunnel diodes and transistors
06. 11. 2019Georg Woltersdorf
30. 10. 2019
(16:00 at MPI)
Manuel Bibes, Perovskite oxide materials for electronics and spintronics
23. 10. 2019Alexey Melnikov, Optical generation of femtosecond spin-current pulses and terahertz standing spin waves in metallic multilayers
Summer Semester 2019 & Winter Semester 2018/19
10. 7. 2019Robin Neumann, Spin current vorticities and magnetic spin Hall effect
3. 7. 2019Jorge Facio, Insights from Hall physics in topological materials
19. 6. 2019BA-Vorträge (Dorothea Kutschabsky, Lukas Volkmer)
22. 5. 2019DPG-Nachbesprechung - Teil 2
15. 5. 2019DPG-Nachbesprechung
8. 5. 2019Börge Göbel, Going beyond skyrmions
30. 1. 2019Somit Gosh, Non-equilibrium transport in topologically non-trivial systems: Application to spin-orbit torque
23. 1. 2019Tomáš Rauch, Geometric and nongeometric contributions to the surface anomalous Hall conductivity
9. 1. 2019Jakub Železný, Spin currents in antiferromagnets (joint group seminar and IMPRS tutorial)
5. 12. 2018Anna Dyrdal, Current-induced spin polarization and Hall effects in 2D systems with spin-orbit interaction
28. 11. 2018Jürgen Henk, Perceptrons & neural networks. A very few basics
