Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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[8] O. Busch, F. Ziolkowski, B. Göbel, I. Mertig, J. Henk.
Ultrafast orbital Hall effect in metallic nanoribbons.
Physical Review Research 6, 013208 (2024)   


[7] O. Busch, F. Ziolkowski, I. Mertig, J. Henk.
Ultrafast dynamics of electrons excited by femtosecond laser pulses: Spin polarization and spin-polarized currents.
Physical Review B 108, 184401 (2023)   

[6] O. Busch, I. Mertig, B. Göbel.
Orbital Hall effect and orbital edge states caused by s electrons.
Physical Review Research 5, 043052 (2023)   

[5] O. Busch, F. Ziolkowski, I. Mertig, J. Henk.
Ultrafast dynamics of orbital angular momentum of electrons induced by femtosecond laser pulses: Generation and transfer across interfaces.
Physical Review B 108, 104408 (2023)   

[4] F. Ziolkowski, O. Busch, I. Mertig, J. Henk.
Ultrafast spin dynamics: Complementing
theoretical analyses by quantum state measures.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35, 125501 (2023)   


[3] B. Pal*, B. K. Hazra*, B. Göbel*, J.-C. Jeon, A. K.  Pandeya, A. Chakraborty, O. Busch, A. K. Srivastava, H. Deniz, J. M.  Taylor, H. Meyerheim, I. Mertig, S.-H. Yang, S. S. P. Parkin.
Setting of the magnetic structure of chiral kagome antiferromagnets by a seeded spin-orbit torque.
Science Advances 8, eabo5930 (2022)   


[2] O. Busch, B. Göbel, I. Mertig.
Spin Hall effect in noncollinear kagome antiferromagnets.

Physical Review B 104, 184423 (2021)   


[1] O. Busch, B. Göbel, I. Mertig.
Microscopic origin of the anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear kagome magnets
Physical Review Research 2, 033112 (2020)   

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