- B. Yu. Yavorsky and I. Mertig
Noncollinear interface magnetism and ballistic transport in Fe/FeO/MgO/Fe tunnel
junctions: Ab initio calculations using the KKR method
Phys. Rev. B 74, 174402 (2006)
- C. Heiliger, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
Microscopic origin of magnetoresistance
Mater. Today 9, 46 (2006)
- C. Heiliger, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
How many Fe layers cause TMR?
MRS Proceedings 941, 0941-Q01-02 (2006)
- C. Heiliger, P. Zahn, and I. Mertig
Which states contribute to the tunneling current for large barrier thicknesses?
MRS Proceedings 941, 0941-Q03-05 (2006)
- M. Czerner, A. Bagrets, V. S. Stepanyuk, A. L. Klavsyuk, and I. Mertig
Parity oscillation and relaxation in monatomic copper wires
Phys. Rev. B 74, 115108 (2006)
- V. V. Maslyuk, A. Bagrets, V. Meded, A. Arnold, F. Evers, M. Brandbyge, T. Bredow, and I. Mertig
Organometallic benzene-vanadium wire: A one-dimensional half-metallic ferromagnet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 097201 (2006)
- C. Heiliger, P. Zahn, B. Yu. Yavorsky, and I. Mertig
Interface structure and bias dependence of Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel junctions: Ab initio calculations
Phys. Rev. B 73, 214441 (2006)
- C. Heiliger, F. Heyroth, F. Syrowatka, H. S. Leipner, I. Maznichenko, K. Kokko, W. Hergert, and I. Mertig
Orientation-dependent electron-energy-loss spectroscopy of TiO2: A comparison of theory and experiment
Phys. Rev. B 73, 045129 (2006)
- A. Bagrets, N. Papanikolaou, and I. Mertig
Ab initio approach to the ballistic transport through single atoms
Phys. Rev. B 73, 045428 (2006)
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