Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Fachschaftsrat Physik

phone: 0345 - 55 25515

room E.07.0
Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle (Saale)

Direkt im Hauptgebäude des Physikinstitutes am Haupteingang

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Contact persons

We collected for you some contacts of people who can help you with questions or provide you with information.

Contact persons for the different courses

CourseContact person
PhysicsFr. PD Dr. Angelika Chassé

Herr Dr. Nicki Frank Hinsche

Medical PhysicsHr. PD Dr. Detlef Reichert
Physics and Digital TechnologiesHr. Prof. Dr. Jörg Schilling
Teaching PhysicsFr. Prof. Dr. Thorid Rabe
Teaching AstronomyHr. Dr. Jan Kantelhardt
Physik Plus (120 LP as part of a bachelor's course)Hr. Prof. Dr. Roland Scheer
Renewable EnergiesHr. Prof. Dr. Roland Scheer
All coursesFachschaftsrat

General adresses
