Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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About us

Read on for some little overview of the Fachschaftsrat Physik.

We are constituted of seven students from the courses of physics (1), medical physics (4) and physics plus (1). There are also some non-elected voluntary members. You will find a list of all members here. If you want to join we are always happy to welcome you.

The Fachschaftsrat is a subordinate board to the Studierendenrat (StuRa). All boards of student representatives are elected once a year in May.

Part of our work is to represent the interests of students at the institute of physics. You can always come to us with questions. We can also act as an intermediary if there are problems between students and docents. Moreover we try to ensure and improve communication at the institute. Therefore we frequently organize partys and other events such as our "Kennenlernabend" or the summer festival.

Most of our work is discussed in weekly meetings. If you want to join and visit or you have an issue to tell us, check the dates in the news segment.
