Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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17.11.2022, 16:15 GM

(snacks and drinks served, 17:30)

Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann

(Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin)

Gender und Diversität in den Fachkulturen der Physik

Teil der Ringvorlesung "Wegbereiterinnen - Frauen in den Naturwissenschaften"

10.11.2022, 16:15 GM

(snacks and drinks served, 17:30)

Prof. Xinliang Feng

(TU & cfaed Dresden / Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle)

Graphene Nanostructures 3.0: Nanoelectronics, Quantum Phenomena & Properties

!!! Cancelled due to illness !!!

30.06.2022, 17:15 GM

(snacks and drinks served, 18:30)

Prof. Roland Wiesendanger

(Department of Physics, University of Hamburg)

Bottom-up Design of Majorana States in Atomic- Scale Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems

28.04.2022, 17:15 GM

(snacks and drinks served, 18:30)

Prof. Franz Pfeiffer

(Institute for Biomedical Engineering - Technical University Munich)

X-ray Darkfield Imaging - Basic Physics & First Clinical Applications

11.03.2022, 15:15

online zusammen mit SFB TRR227

Prof. Claudia Felser

(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden)   

Magnetic Materials and Topology

09.03.2022, 19:30

online zusammen mit SFB TRR227

Prof. Tony F. Heinz
(Stanford University & SLAC)   

Probing electrons and electron dynamics in 2D materials and heterostructures

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