Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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/42/ R. Steinhausen, S. Kern, C. Pientschke, H. Beige, F. Clemens, J. Heiber:
A new measurement method of piezoelectric properties of single ceramic fibres,
J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 30 (2010), 205 -209, doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2009.06.013.   

/41/ O.V. Malyshkina, A.A. Movchikova, K.N. Penzov, R. Steinhausen, H.T. Langhammer, H. Beige:
Issledovanije teplovyh i dielektricheskih svojstv p'ezokeramiki na osnove titanata barija c primes'ju olova,
Fizika tverdogo tela, 52(1) (2010), 114-118.

/40/ C. Pientschke, R. Steinhausen, H.Beige, R. Krueger, T. Mueller, D. Sporn, C. Schuh, S. Denneler and H. Schlich:
Poled composites with Nd-Mn-doped PZT fibers under bipolar electrical load,
UFFC IEEE Transactions 56(9) (2009), 1806 - 1812, doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2009.1253

/39/ C. Pientschke, A. Kuvatov, R. Steinhausen, H. Beige, R. Krüger, T. Müller, U. Helbig, D. Sporn, C. Schuh, S. Denneler, T. Richter, H. Schlich:
Bipolar strain hysteresis of poled composites with Nd-Mn-doped PZT fibres,
J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 29 (2009), 1713-1720.

/38/ Malyshkina, O., R. Steinhausen, H. T. Langhammer, H. Beige:
Study of the pyroelectric profile in BTS piezoceramics by the single
frequency thermal square wave method,
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2009.05.012   

/37/    R. Steinhausen, H. Beige:
Composition Gradient Actuator, Chapter 26,
Piezoelectric and Acoustic Materials for Transducer Applications,
Springer Verlag 2008, 289-304.(DOI 10.1007/s978-0-387-76540-2-14)

/36/    R. Steinhausen:
Piezoelectric Graded Materials - Preparation and Characterization,
Advances in Solid State Physics, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 2008, 315-327.

/35/    R. Steinhausen, C. Pientschke, H. Beige:
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von piezoelektrischen Gradientenkeramiken,
Proc. of the First Seminar on The Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials, Bad Honnef Mai 2007, 131-134.

/34/    R. Steinhausen, C. Pientschke, A.Z. Kuvatov, H.T. Langhammer, H. Beige, A.A. Movchikova, O.V. Malyshkina: Modelling and Characterization of Piezoelectric and Polarization Gradients,
J. Electroceramics, 20 (2008), 43-46. (DOI 10.1007/s10832-007-9326-9)

/33/    A. Movchikova, O. Malyshkina, G. Suchaneck, G. Gerlach, R. Steinhausen, H. T. Langhammer, C. Pientschke, H. Beige:
Study of the pyroelectric behavior of BaTi1-xSnxO3 piezo-ceramics,
J. Electroceramics, 20 (2008), 47-52. (DOI 10.1007/s10832-007-9185-4)

/32/    R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. Beige, M. Kamlah:
Surface Effects of Piezoelectric 1-3 Ceramic-Polymer-Composites,
Ferroelectrics, 331 (2006), 201-208.

/31/    R. Steinhausen, H. Th. Langhammer, A. Z. Kouvatov, C. Pientschke, H. Beige, H.-P. Abicht:
Bending Actuators Based on Monolithic Barium Titanate-Stannate Ceramics as Functional Gradient
CURRENT RESEARCH IN ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSES, Materials Science Forum, vol. 494, 167-174 (2005).

/30/    V. Bobnar, B. Malic, J. Holc, M. Kosec, R. Steinhausen, H. Beige:
Electrostrictive effect in lead-free relaxor K0.5Na0.5NbO3-SrTiO3 ceramic system,  
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 024113 (2005).

/29/    C. Pientschke, R. Steinhausen, A. Kouvatov, H. T. Langhammer, H. Beige:
Equivalent Circuit Modelling of the Time-Dependent Poling Behaviour of Ferroelectric Multilayer Structures,
Ferroelectrics, 319 (2005), 181-190.

/28/    C. Pientschke, A. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. Beige:
Polarisation Kinetic of Electrically Connected Electroconductive Ferroelectric Multilayer Structures,
J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 25 (2005), 2547-2551.

/27/    R. Steinhausen, C. Pientschke, W. Seifert, H. Beige:
Finite element analysis of the thickness mode resonance of piezoelectric 1-3 fibre composites,
2004 IEEE Int. UFFC Joint 50th Anniversary Conference, Montreal 2004, 1678-1681, ISBN 0-7803-8413-X.

/26/    R. Steinhausen, A. Z. Kouvatov, C. Pientschke, H. T. Langhammer, H. Beige:
Modelling of the poling process in functionally graded materials,
2004 IEEE Int. UFFC Joint 50th Anniversary Conference, Montreal 2004, 118-121, ISBN 0-7803-8413-X.

/25/    V. Mueller, A. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, H. Beige, H.-P. Abicht:
Ferroelectric and relaxor-like electromechanical strain in BaTi1-xSnxO3 ceramics,
Integrated Ferroelectrics,  63 (2004) 81-84.

/24/    R. Steinhausen, A. Kouvatov, C. Pientschke, H. T. Langhammer, W. Seifert, H. Beige, H.-P. Abicht:
AC-poling of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Bending Devices,
Integrated Ferroelectrics,  63 (2004), 15-20.

/23/    R. Steinhausen, A. Kouvatov, C. Pientschke, H. T. Langhammer, W. Seifert, H. Beige, H.-P. Abicht:
Bending Behavior of Monolithic Ba(Ti,Sn)O3-Ceramics with a Functionally Gradient of the Piezoelectric Properties,
Electronic Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Juni 2003, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.

/22/    R. Steinhausen, A. Kouvatov, H. Beige, H. T. Langhammer, H.-P. Abicht:
Poling and Bending Behavior of Piezoelectric Multilayers Based on Ba(Ti,Sn)O3 Ceramics,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 24 (6), 2004, 1677-1680.

/21/    S. Gebhardt, A. Schönecker, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. Beige:
Quasistatic and Dynamic Properties of 1-3 Composites Made from the Soft Mold Process,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 23 (2003) 1, 153-159.

/20/    U. Straube, H. Beige, R. Steinhausen:
Frequency-Dependent Elastic Compliances and Stiffnesses of Some Solids, Defects and Diffusion in Ceramics,
Trans Tech Publikations, Uetikon-Zuerich (ISBN: 3-908450-70-5), 2002, 183-186.

/19/    A. Z. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, H. T. Langhammer, H. Beige, H. Abicht:
Poling Behavior of Functionally Gradient Material Bending Devices,
Ferroelectrics 273 (2002), 95-100.

/18/    R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, W. Seifert, H. Beige, U. Lange, D. Sporn, S. Gebhardt, A. Schönecker:
A new method for the determination of elastic properties of thin piezoelectric PZT fibers,
Ferroelectrics 268 (2002), 53-58.

/17/    R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, H. Beige, S. Seifert, U. Lange, D. Sporn, S. Gebhardt, A. Schönecker:
Characterization and modeling of ferroelectric thin films and 1-3 composites,
Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidrio, 41[1] (2002), 158-165.

/16/    Steinhausen R., Kouvatov A., Beige H.,  Langhammer H. T., Abicht, H.-P.:
Piezoelectric functionally gradient material for bending devices based on Ba(Ti,Sn)O3 ceramics. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.
Appl. Ferroelec., 13th, Nara, Japan (2002), 359-362.

/15/    R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, H. Beige, W. Watzka, U. Lange, D. Sporn, S. Gebhardt, A. Schönecker:
Properties of fine scale piezoelectric PZT fibers with different Zr-content,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (2001), 1459-1462.

/14/    T. Hauke, A. Z. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. T. Langhammer, H. Beige:
Modeling of Bending Actuators Based on Functionally Gradient Materials,
Proc. IUTAM 2000, Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 89 (2001), 87-94.

/13/    T. Hauke, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. Beige and M. Kamlah:
Modeling of poling behavior of ferroelectric 1-3 composites,
Journal of Applied Physics 89, 9 (2001), 5040-5047.

/12/    S. Gebhardt, A. Schönecker, R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, W. Seifert, H. Beige:
Mikro­technische Herstellung von 1-3 Kompositen,
Veröffentlichung in Kurzreferate der Jahrestagung DKG 1999, 132-134.

/11/    T. Hauke, A. Z. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. T. Langhammer, H. Beige, H.-P. Abicht:
Behavior of bending actuators based on Functionally Gradient Materials,
Electronic Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Problems of Materials Engineering, September 99, Puchov, Slovakia.

/10/    S. Gebhardt, A. Schönecker, R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, W. Seifert, H. Beige:
Fine Scale 1-3 Composites Fabricated by the Soft Mold Process: Properties and Modeling,
Ferroelectrics 241 (2000), 67-73.

/9/ T. Hauke, A.Z. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, H. Beige, H.T. Langhammer, H. Abicht:
Bending Behavior of Functionally Gradient Materials,
Ferroelectrics 238 (2000), 195-202.

/8/ R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, T. Hauke, H. Beige, V. Bobnar, Z. Kutnjak, A. Levstik, J. Holc, M. Kosec:
Electromechanical properties of ferroelectric thin and thick films,
3rd Slovenian-German Seminar on Joint Projects in Material Science and Technology, Bled,
Slovenia, november 1998, p. 58.

/7/ V. Bobnar, Z. Kutnjak, A. Levstik, J. Holc, M. Kosec, T. Hauke, R. Steinhausen, H. Beige:
Correlation between fatigue and piezoelectric properties in (Pb, La)(Zr, Ti)O3 thick films,
Journal of Applied Physics 85, 1 (1999), 622-624.

/6/ R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, T. Hauke, H. Beige, W. Watzka, S. Seifert, D. Sporn, S. Starke, A. Schönecker:
Fine scaled piezoelectric 1-3 composites: properties and modeling,  
Journal of "Intelligent Materials Forum" 9 (1) (1999), 6-9.

/5/ R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, T. Hauke, H. Beige, W. Watzka, S. Seifert, D. Sporn, S. Starke, A. Schönecker:
Fine scaled piezoelectric 1-3 composites: properties and modeling,
Proc. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Tokyo, October 1998.

/4/ R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, W. Seifert, V. Müller, H. Beige, S. Seifert , P. Löbmann:
Clamping of ferroelectric thin films on substrates: influence on the effective piezoelectric modulus d33,
Proc. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Tokyo, October 1998.

/3/ R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, T. Hauke, H. Beige, W. Watzka, S. Seifert, D. Sporn, S. Starke, A. Schönecker:
Fine scaled piezoelectric 1-3 composites: properties and modeling,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 19 (1999), 1289-1293.

/2/ R. Steinhausen, T. Hauke, W. Seifert, V. Müller, H. Beige, S. Seifert and P. Löbmann:
Clamping of ferroelectric thin films on substrates: influence on the effective piezoelectric modulus d33,
Proceedings of the 11th ISAF, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (1998), 93-96.

/1/ A. Kouvatov, R. Steinhausen, W. Seifert, T. Hauke, H.T. Langhammer, H. Beige, H. Abicht:
Comparison between bimorphic and polymorphic bending devices,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 19 (1999), 1153-56.

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