B6: Spin-dependent tunneling in oxide heterostructures
The properties of materials and structures for tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) and tunneling electroresistance (TER) will be investigated experimentally and theoretically.
In this period the magnetic properties and electronic conduction of ferrimagnetic (Zn,Ni,Co)Fe2O4 spinel thin films are investigated using high field magnetoresistance and Hall effect measurements. Such films shall also serve as insulating barrier in spin filters in magnetic tunnel junctions with only one ferromagnetic component. Furthermore, tunnel contacts with ferroelectric BaTiO3 barrier are investigated for which a particularly large, tunable magnetoresistance has been predicted.
Based on previous investigations of Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel contacts and the planned experiments the magnetic tunneling junctions will be modeled and the tunneling current will be calculated for zero and finite voltage. Various configurations will be investigated including the magnetic tunneling junction with ferroelectric barrier for which four states of different resistance are expected. Also tunneling junctions with ferroic and multi-ferroic barrier will be considered as well as the tunnel electroresistance.